Adult Education
and Family Literacy
Adult Education and Family Literacy offers a large variety of programs to enrich the professional and personal lives of adults, including English as a Second Language (ESL), Family Literacy, The Catherine M. Lee Women's and Children's Center, College and Career Ready classes, the Illinois High School Equivalency test preparation in English or Spanish, U.S. Citizenship Test Preparation, Read to Learn Adult Literacy and more. All classes are free.
Some of the basic skills taught are English as a second language, the Illinois High School Equivalency test preparation, basic reading and math, and one-to-one reading tutoring for beginning adult readers. All classes are free.
Registration is open for spring classes
Classes start in January/February.
Distrito 214, Educación para Adultos y Alfabetización Familiar
Las inscripciones están abiertas
Clic en el botón para llenar la forma y hacer cita para el examen.
Si necesita ayuda llame a los siguientes números: Mónica 847-718-7911, Carinna 847-718-7722 or Cassie 847-718-7723.
Registration flyer - English/Spanish
Dystrykt 214 Wydział Nauczania Dorosłych i Dzieci
Rejestracja jest otwarta
Kliknij na przycisk, żeby się zapisać na rejestracje i testy.
Jesli potrzebujecie Panstwo pomocy prosze dzwonic do Ewy na numer 847-718-7730.
Registration flyer - English/Polish
Район 214 - Программа Обучения взрослых и
Основы семьи
Информация о программе – регстрация на обучение взрослых
Нажмите на эту кнопку, для регистрации на тестирование.
Для инфрмации звоните- 847-718-7925
Registration flyer - English/Russian
Програма : Образование за възрастни и Основи на семейството
Информация за програмата
Кликнете върху бутона,за да се регистрирате и да си запазите ден за тест.
Обадете се на 847 -718-7925 за помощ.
Read about one of our many AEFL student success stories and meet a couple of our featured instructors here.
Learn more about our programs
The program is made possible by a grant awarded by the IL State Library (ISL), a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, using funds designated for literacy.
Funding provided in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services.